gé yán
Gnomic and ceaseless set out can make yourself also turns into an adage. 〔 flower 〕 Thoms · is rich strap careful theory connotation is the richest generalizing always is the most concise. 〔 flower 〕 Saimiaoer Butler common observation celebrated dictum is epigrammatic pass by this world like light breeze, wave in succession by the side of the foot of the person that falls in recognition of those the mouth that be handed in by people. Miao of a place of strategic importance of 〔 flower 〕 ...
格组词、言组词、 书名、次数、夕英、姱词、落尘、攒宫、道法、缉谐、森仗、希言、弛罟、古终、吁谋、孟猪、神精、诳眩、饮豚、礼宪、声诺、格言、