chuán lěi
意思解释:(Pass Lei)传记和诔文。传,用以记述死者的事迹和德行;诔,用以表示哀悼之情。
(Achievement of the person that 1) record and narrate dies, express to mourn. left pass · sad fair 16 years : Fly of of of of chaotic Hu clear! Thin alone of Dou Qia ぴ swims province cheap not ~ is expensive, young not ~ is long, ceremony also. (2) style name, mourn the dead's article. Cao Pi does allusion consider · paper : Xing of regretful carries an ancient wine vessel made of horn of of balance! Do not hand in paragraph mother field tablet wraps around civil with pledging, ~ tangles...
传组词、诔组词、 毒兽、合气、上主、私路、拔出、豫定、博综、宣源、遵途、迟久、材良、三尊、此个、铜马、石宫、送场、蔓菁、缣帛、轩耀、传诔、