yáo dù
意思解释:(Yao is spent)犹远渡。 谓在远处规划或推测。
(The Tang Dynasty / Du Zhisong / willow of He Weiwei temple) couplet of neck of ○ an eight-line poem with five characters to a line and a strict tonal pattern and rhyme scheme. Tall, scanty, far, Yao, the adjective is right lift, empty word is right. Stroke, degree, the verb is right lift,
遥组词、度组词、 灵杠、辉烛、瞿所、秀士、膺舟、输场、慭暇、相半、徼求、海隝、他意、格佞、省释、引花、嘌唱、洪涔、怯夫、启全、抉眼、遥度、