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意思解释:(Change butterfly)指庄子梦化为蝴蝶的故事。《庄子·齐物论》:“昔者庄周梦为胡蝶,栩栩然胡蝶也。自喻适志与!不知周也。俄然觉,则蘧蘧然周也。不知周之梦为胡蝶与?胡蝶之梦为周与?”《剪灯新话·渭塘奇遇记》:“化蝶能通梦,游蜂浪作媒。”后因借指睡梦。 泛指变为蝴蝶或蝶类成虫。 借指变为飞灰。




village · neat thing is talked thing of butterfly of the melt into in carrying Zhuang Zhoumeng, the literary quotation that is sleep is used after. Liu You does adjacent water Yan Fusi go early poetic:  of Hui of ㄕ of glue of full   occasionally τ is planted  Qu! Hail Xuan falls  lament flinchs strong sanded Jin of Biao   ! Handsome of Li of handsome こ of a keeper of domestic animals of Dong static Guan Gu Jin is noted call tangerine moth is changed butterfly, Er elegant ala call dish bug is changed butterfly, village call...

