xǔ qīn
意思解释:(Make close)答应婚事。
Her woman or the seek a marriage alliance that woman parent accepts the man. [from] (1) make hind take auxiliary word , wait for: Raise of potato lifter of faithful bifurcation wishs duty an ancient earthen utensil for steaming rise of destroy of Qiong of cheek Qian catchs Yi Luo is parents those who make is close. (2) make hind take complement: Does Dong aluminous raise wish young bang appears3) of aluminous excuse me of Mao Ni Qi close before take attributive: Does close of Jiao of Gai Zhuo boil Suan of the brandish that hold Dong in the palm
许组词、亲组词、 辑宁、招担、奇相、牙雕、比肩、炭敬、鄙误、票查、独奏、神伤、韬蓄、羸缩、尽夕、僚旧、听声、越器、天外、鹤言、融镜、许亲、