
xì cǎo

意思解释:(Fine grass)小草。 远志的别名。见明李时珍《本草纲目·草一·远志》。




< form > form tolerate with others delicate or appetite is small. Fujian language. Guangdong uncovers this world [] Yi one before feed 5 bowls, you are feeding a bowl, so Yi feeds your ~ greatly he eats 5 bowls suddenly, you just eat a bowl, his appetite is so big your appetite is small. Guangdong Shan head, current state. Weng Hui east wood of Shi Cao of · of wet Shan dialect : 8 drink is rich the larva of a tapeworm or the cercaria of a schistosome of bring a case to court of silkworm of defect of common of earnestly divide evenly heavy Pi of  of Lu of the Jiao that take an examination of Tuo

