běn shī
意思解释:(This division)犹祖师。所从受业的老师。佛教徒对释迦如来的尊称,意为根本的教师。 所从受业的老师。 佛教徒对释迦如来的尊称,意为根本的教师。
称所从就业之师。《史记·乐毅列传论》:“乐臣公学黄帝、老子,其本师号曰 河上丈人。”②佛教徒称释迦牟尼。意即祖师。白居易《画西方帧记》:“我本师释迦如来说言,从是西方过十万亿佛土,有世界号极乐,以无八苦四…
Call place the division from obtain employment. history is biographies of the Le Yi that write down · talked : ⒗ of the residence of a high official of frequency of Щ of of coat breed backbone displays cherry to waterside of of the arc other of joint of bones by danger fan excuse me! Hail Shen a mythical bird like the phoenix draws out uglying Α of vinegar of Tang of R of curtain of material of forgive of artisan analyse bay 0 clumsy is right live 〖 of street of blain tan just I this Shi Shijia Buddha says word, have world order ecstasy, in order to do not have 8 suffering 4...
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