wà cái
意思解释:(Socks material)宋苏轼《文与可画篔筜谷偃竹记》:“与可画竹,初不自贵重。四方之人,持缣素而请者,足相蹑于其门。与可厌之,投诸地而骂曰:'吾将以为袜!'……余为徐州,与可以书遗余曰:'近语士大夫:”吾墨竹一派,近在彭城,可往求之。“袜材当萃于子矣。'”后因以“袜材”戏指用以画竹的缣素。
谦浅薄之材。古人谦言自己的才能低下,如同从袜子上拆下来的线,没有一根是长线。例弟本袜材,恐难担此重任。注意:又作“袜线才短”。 …
The material with dilettante modest. Him character of the ancients modest ability is low, as dismantling the wire that come down from the sock, doing not have is long term. Exemple younger brother this socks material, fear carrying this heavy responsibility hard. Notice: Swollen a huge legendary turtle cling to Bu oh otter is thin!
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