
shí chéng

意思解释:(Solid into)诚实,不虚假。 成熟。 犹沉稳,安稳。




Mature. Li Dazhao the value that materialist conception of history learns to go up in contemporary history : Gather up grapes of paper of hut of Su of  of  of A Mao letter touchs umbrella of party of  of ⒂ of Qian of barren of ancient name for a kind of scorpion of  of chaste tree of hut of bursa of chasm of  of Song of another name for Guangdong Province of Chinese catalpa of  of  approach  !  of hail call on carries  ginseng to take damask of 4 Jian body] Lian ぁ (I) the gangmaster is put on its shagginess backbone, soft sleep. Also sleep to be become falsely nevertheless, the car is bumpy...

