ā lián
意思解释:(A is connected)指南朝宋诗人谢灵运从弟谢惠连。《宋书·谢灵运传》:“惠连幼有奇才,不为父方明所知……﹝灵运﹞谓方明曰:'阿连才悟如此,而尊作常儿遇之。'”宋王安石《寄四侄旊》诗之一:“'春草已生'无好句,阿连空复梦中来。”按,“春草”指谢灵运名句“池塘生春草”。后因以为兄弟的代称。
Song Xieling of the Southern Dynasties carries Hui Lianyou just realizes a group of things with common features younger brother, effective use loves very, call A to connect. See carry of Xie Ling of · of book of the Song Dynasty is passed . Because of call younger brother A is connected after. Bai Juyi send Gui Weicun first abandon younger brother poetic: Thin
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