
zuò tán

意思解释:(Sit talk)犹空谈。




Chat, chat. Qi Ce of · of plan of the Warring States one : Does  of hand of  of blessing of  of Guang of  of Yu of painful oil of dark ┤ crystal clear standing tall and upright carry on the back ' I and beauty of Xu Gong what ' still call with guest chat. is Wang Jingwen of · of book of the Song Dynasty passed : Da of Ao  virtuous Zha irrigates photograph of Sichuan of of Huang of Gai of scar  bake in a pan to expend Dai to sit leisurely talk, kill at assassin. is analogy world professed roll 29: Make locust smooth with a rake to blink  of journey of person of  the Huaihe River to stick ぁ

