
láo bìng

意思解释:(Fatigue disease)劳症。劳,通“痨”。


形: 形体,身体。人要经常参加劳动,许多疾病才不容易发生。指适度运动是抵御疾病的重要因素。语出宋·张杲《医说·真人养生铭》:“人欲劳于形,百病不能成。饮酒勿大醉,诸疾自不生。食了行百步,数以手摩肚。”[例] “~”…


Form: H of Sui of Xia of  of Dan of ⌒ old man 2 short for Weihe River of   always casts Wan of locust of move of 〔 of arm of Su of   Ji to pursue knowledge of pleasant of ⑸  V still arm of  of bell of large  chasm > ふ of idle of put down of be good at add of Peng of ふ of lofty of Ao of milometer of S of Chu of Qiong of the  that make a horizontal inscribed board, 100 disease cannot be become. Drink not fuddle one's cap, all disease are not born oneself. Fed a 100 paces, several with the hand rub abdomen. [exemple]   ~ ...

