fēi shuāng
意思解释:(Flying frost)降霜。晋张协《七命》:“飞霜迎节,高风送秋。”《文选·江淹〈诣建平王上书〉》:“昔者,贱臣叩心,飞霜击于燕地。”李善注:“《淮南子》曰:邹行尽忠于燕惠王,惠王信谮而系之,邹子仰天而哭,正夏而天为之降霜。”后因用以指冤狱。 犹飞白。 犹清新。
[Provenance] south the Huaihe River child · astronomy example . [Paraphrase] blueness daughter calls blue sky jade daughter again, it is the goddess of snow of frost of the administer in archaic myth. Arrived every year the 3rd month of autumn, the ground is enraged cannot furl, become respectful fights cold cold, all sorts of insect dormancy rise, people closes door window, inside quiet room room. Right now, blueness daughter arrives, asperse frost snow for the world. [Usage] appearance snows...
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