yí dé
意思解释:(Heart of involuntary discharge of urine)指前人留下的德泽。 谓留下德泽。 指弃置未用的贤德之人。
(The goodness that 1) forefathers leaves. Zhi of village · pilfer : The Gou that press the Song Dynasty corrects disease of steel ! Rancorring of Ρ of Mou of aspic of dysentery of our Gang Yu sincere appropriate opens business emperor listens, with light first ~ of the Supreme Being. (2) points to bequeath goodness. history the Qin Benji that write down · : Gather up carbohydrate of formic pliable but strong breaks through ā of dog of of apricot otter! Does hang down:
遗组词、德组词、 戍役、油腔、肠肚、水处、额外、名人名言、今日金价、北京时间校准、繁体字转换器、今日油价、bmi计算器、时间戳转换器、汉字转拼音、公积金贷款计算器、春节倒计时、高考倒计时、数字大写转换器、网络测速、美元兑人民币汇率、随机密码生成器