
yī wěi

意思解释:(Yi Wei)《汉书·武帝纪》:“猗与伟与!何行而可以章先帝之洪业休德,上参尧·舜,下配三王!”颜师古注:“猗,美也。伟,大也。与,辞也。言美而且大也。”后以“猗伟”为美伟赞叹之辞。




Wu Diji of Chinese book · : Why of dam of the Jia that pull ⒂ goes and can Hong Yexiu heart of Zhang Xiandi, yao and Shun is joined on, 3 king match below! Yi, beautiful; Wei, big. Call beautiful and big. Hind with Yi Wei the gasp in admiration demit of the Wei that it is the United States. Lu Xun does gleaning of the collect outside collect fill make up · < Yue Duo > be born demit : Does melt of  of ox of Bei of Ze of Da of  of  of miscellaneous umbrella of cane of  of bud of chasm of banter of bully dumpling Sou battle Song

