bèng dā
意思解释:(Skip build)亦作“蹦跶”。
动〈口〉 蹦跳;比喻挣扎他看见一只鸟,两只小爪一蹦跶一蹦跶的,顺着棉垄往前跳跃。(梁斌《红旗谱》)她这时在地上蹦跶了几下,把身子捶打了一阵。(权宽浮《牧场雪莲花》)玉宝又悄声问刘长德:“刘叔叔,看样子,日本鬼…
Move < mouth > skip; analogy struggles he sees a bird, two small claw skip Zuo skips of Zuo , hop forth down cotton raised path between fields. (Liang Bin red flag chart ) she skips on the ground at this moment Zuo a few, beat the body. (Authority wide surplus grass snow lotus ) does Yu Bao ask Liu Changde: quietly again Be proud felt of of cherry of of chimney of of Jia Dan waiting till rancors unexpectedly
蹦组词、搭组词、 解棼、败走、黩扎、吃勘、送孝、禾耳、圣仪、培养、麦门、斟灌、踦只、厨人、怨嗟、乌台、巨量、清富、蚁多、执作、驺御、蹦搭、