lù yǎn
意思解释:(Dew eye)眼球突出。 盈盈欲泪的眼睛。比喻带露的花朵。
< common > money and valuable cannot let others see casually, lest invite trouble. Dissuasive people notices in order to custodial gold. When ◇ herself also knows she enters store, feel golden button to regard as house money, made all corners of the country go up gold cannot show an eye avoid, but her body conceives stunt, also care nothing however. (Liang Yu is unripe predestined relationship of bend of jade of sea of clouds ) ...
露组词、眼组词、 骄稚、役夫、竹符、盈实、盘梯、飞播、边廷、乖度、佛化、锁连、朱干、青鉴、隐怀、糺户、篇册、胁求、切摩、流蔡、秉宪、露眼、