
gū mēng

意思解释:(Gu is unconscious)指失去父母的童蒙。 谓孤陋愚昧。多用为自谦之词。


指父母双亡的儿童。班固《幽通赋》: “资孤蒙之眇眇兮, 将圯绝而罔阶。” ②孤陋愚蒙。 常用作谦词。 曾巩《祭晁少卿文》: “巩蚤以孤蒙, 与托嘉好, 自始迄今,逾二十载。”…


Point to parents double the children that die. Does the class originally deep and remote connect an ode : Make a surname of  of  of Xi of  of 〗 of  of Guo of marabou of Wu of brigade Shao  lives in vain! Umbrella of Piao of  of associate of thin, Quan!  of Du of 〕 S rice is saved! ≡     of of copy of racoon dog loose Fen falling into oblivion consolidate flea is cheated with Gu, with hold in the palm fine good, from only then heretofore, even more 20 carry. ...

