
yǎn shān

意思解释:( hill)山名。古谓日没之所。又名崦嵫山、弇兹山。 园名。在江苏省太仓县,为明王世贞所筑。因以为王世贞的别称。




(1) cover. Chinese ink child · agrarian column : Reel silk from cocoons of fall from the sky of Gua of S of  of Kang of  of basketry cowardly otter is ill! : of collection agency Beans respects(2) of Yun of crotch of accept of Φ of  of fall from the sky abstruse, deep. Zhong Dong of Lv age · : Boil  to lure  of Chu of Ρ of  clear  ! Shelter frame diameter  its implement grand with ~ . (3) the narrow way. is the left assist that pass · fair 25 years : Target bits ah curtain of  of  school  ! Thin

