fāng qiē
意思解释:(Just cut)正直而恳切。
Adverbial condition adverb, persuade your adverb, modest to respect adverb. One, condition is adverbial. Use at adverbial modifier is being made before the verb is predicate, decorates verb is concerned with the way one speaks or what he says, criticism mostly, be like ask , expostulate with , duty , let etc. The person that emphasize the doer of the action in a sentence is in the manner when the movement is earnest or gravity is agog, one's words is critical, hold table level concurrently. ...
方组词、切组词、 酵母、八角莲、马赫环、渊达、耗减、羊毛纸、八字眉、按察使、八角帽、白炽灯、白牡丹、俘掳、随管、生就、耳珥、髹彤、赤潮、幽兰、先哲、方切、