xiāo hé
意思解释:(Xiao He)(?—前 193) 汉沛县(今属江苏)人,与高祖于微时,从起兵,高祖为汉王,以何为丞相。楚、汉相拒,何留守关中,补兵馈饷,军得不匮;高祖数亡山东而何常全关中以待之。高祖即帝位,论功第一,封萧侯。汉之典制律令,多所手定。惠帝时卒,谥文终。
< renown > ( , before the chancellery at the beginning of 193) Chinese. Abundant county (belong to Jiangsu today) person. It is prefectural official originally, zun Liubang uprises. Recommend Han Xin to be a general, auxiliary Liu Bang beats Xiang Yu, capturing the world. Ren Chengxiang, seal the Hou that it is Zuo , result the first. Make 9 orders rule , assistance eliminates the different such as Han Xin to surname vassal king after Liu Bang, Lv. ...
萧组词、何组词、 依荷、顾视、宝珈、归宗、盂覆、岂惟、忌羡、积蓄、虚亏、洪泉、匠资、经纪、宛款、砂型、小凶、至戒、卑子、坎深、姿容、萧何、