wèi sì
意思解释:(Feed raise)喂食饲养。
Eat to the person. is Wu Yuechun passed inside autumn · entiring gate : of of cherry of confused of show off of balance of eight the larva of a tapeworm or the cercaria of a schistosome imprints shakes! of of scabies of ぢ of Luo of analyse of small poisonous business aing shallow lake overgrown with wild plants plan of count on one's fingers returns, zhang Yi waits for ~ . (Zhang Yi: Bend over feed animal points to only after Song . Du Fu yellow croaker : Thin
喂组词、饲组词、 公拟、异制、鳌波、贫静、小驻、鹤翥、寿终、遗堞、溺职、富穰、过账、详观、手指、结扎、阴微、三务、迩室、湫居、农学、喂饲、