wěi yì
意思解释:(Bogus is easy)作假偷换。
指人为的事情容易作假,顺乎自然的事情难以作假。语出《庄子·人间世》:“绝迹易,无行地难。为人使,易以伪;为天使,难以伪。闻以有翼飞者矣,未闻以无翼飞者也。”[例] 人者,使然也;天者,自然也。使然可以欺,而自然不可诈。故…
The thing that shows the person is is easy cheat, suitable natural business hard cheat. Language piece world of village · world : The R that boil wishs Piao instrument miserly chooses dizzy of Zi of of stalk of N alarm to be angel, hard bogus. Hear the person that fly with having an ala, did not hear the person that fly with having an ala also. [exemple] person person, make like that also; day person, natural also. Make like that can bully, and natural cannot cheat. Reason...
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