jiǔ zhāng
意思解释:(9 chapters)古代帝王冕服上的九种图案。泛指多种图案。古代行军时用以指挥军队行进的九种旗章。章,旗上的图案。即九畴。指《九章律》。指《九章算术》。相传为黄帝时隶首所作。 泛指多种图案。 古代行军时用以指挥军队行进的九种旗章。章,旗上的图案。
Day, month, dragon, tiger, bird, snake, magpie, wolf, . Direct the order of 9 kinds of banners of march for ancient time. Chapter, design. Day of the regulations that start day goes, night of the regulations that start a month goes, move water of dragon regulations travel, the rules that lift a tiger goes forest, lift Bei of bird regulations travel, the rules that lift a snake goes lustre, cite land of magpie regulations travel, lift hill of wolf regulations travel, lift regulations to wear feed and drive. ② ...
九组词、章组词、 冒眩、政涂、老屋、看法、枷杖、取责、适正、顾景、节忧、初初、洋税、月粮、逆命、允宜、牲口、清厘、撒活、蒙拾、乡祠、九章、