
chóu hàn

意思解释:(Chou regret)亦作“雠憾”。 仇恨,不满。




(1) is regretful, the heart feels not contented. is fair smelt metal of · of the analects of confucius long :  of Bo of pressing of bamboo-plaited basket or suitcase plants Mai Meigong of a flat stone on iron rammer with ropes attached at the sides of bully ode heart  of   Qu! of copy of sodden dream of Ding Dou of  of pain or numbness caused by cold in that case the ~ that holds this in the arms not to have limit, day, person, and unexpectedly already! (2) resentment. does the life say neologism · moral conduct : of grand of Ling of φ of ┘ of linden of be jealous of of equipment sip Dian good make...

