shàng nián
意思解释:(Go up year)〈方〉:去年。 道家以二十、三十为上年,认为是修道最佳的年岁。 去年;前几年。
Last year: Stop destroy of of dirty of of establish bad deceive cuts 63 · of of ┟ lane ā 1505 by, show jade of snow day treasure windowed last year the job that Xiang Miaoyu of emerald green hut wants red wintersweet. ) birthday of ~ old lady, give presents of bonze of the road outside ever having the fingered citron that a dried meat oil freezes, because the old lady loves, take with respect to immediateness be being placed. (72 · 1753) is pressed, point to at the beginning of last year August 3 merchant mother birthday of 8 a period of ten days...
上组词、年组词、 堙没、众恶、郑学、垂手、周波、郎火、柔中、肌粟、归天、阑暑、官年、笃向、飞舃、进利、粘糕、魔头、极已、受用、吊笼、上年、