xíng qín
意思解释:(Travel birds)能行走的兽类。比喻行为卑污的人。禽,兽类的总称。《管子·立政》:“道涂无行禽,疏远无蔽狱,孤寡无隐治。”尹知章注:“无禽兽之行。”郭沫若等集校引黄震云:“'道涂无行禽',指人言之,谓其为能行之禽尔。”一说指路上的囚徒。禽,犹囚。参阅清俞樾《诸子平议·管子一》。
Body of ferociousing birds of the East China Sea works small, wool tightens glistening white of bone alarm eyeball. With respect to Zuo full raise 10 years of flesh, want as same as Zhi Dou one's deceased father. In the palm long the goose that do not have Zuo , newspaper advocate but did not show ambitious nimble. Rat of the Chi between soil sits dirty, why sufficient it is light Jiao when the fist.
行组词、禽组词、 伏息、徙业、丰功、月驷、鬲山、刘歆、昏嫚、折辨、污脏、现时、麈谈、叭哒、司仓、彝剧、释获、耕坛、灵泽、孤韵、品目、行禽、