
lán mèng

意思解释:(Lan Meng)《左传·宣公三年》:“初,郑文公有贱妾曰燕姞,梦天使与己兰,曰:‘余为伯鯈。余,而祖也;以是为而子。’……生穆公,名之曰兰。”后因以“兰梦”为得子的征兆。




Dream of orchid. Woman pointing to era is pregnant. When age, zheng Wen is communal the small concubine with a hangdog one's previous experience is called swallow . Once, swallow dreams of angel to send her a bundle of orchid, say: to her Unplug astounded of quiet of short for the Yihe River mires Kang of ū of thistle of  of dainty of Chang caries  sads astounded mu  imprints heir of divide evenly of  of  of bluff of show off of  of  of Hong of cangue of Mu of ǖ of thistle of R leech  and not copy of astounded of  of  of lie of ㄒ of thistle of  of Cuo purplish or white patches on the skin!

