wáng chūn
意思解释:(Wang Chun)《公羊传·隐公元年》:“元年春,王正月……春者何?岁之始也;王者孰谓文王也。”后以“王春”指阴历新春。
does ram pass · concealed fair the first year of an era or the reign of an emperor : of Yao of conspicuous of of of grand of of Ji of of sea of bully Beng year old only then also does what of; Wang Zhe call Call civil Wang Ye. hind then with Wang Chun point to the 10 or 20 days following Lunar New Year's Day of the traditional Chinese calendar. Du Fu does dusk spring send Martha Qing Fu to fault poetic: Thin
王组词、春组词、 邀幸、废捐、朝谒、恩寄、并边、月钩、阿右、撒嬴、诱教、鹤鱼、亡言、近御、周言、玉匣、听取、盲然、走趍、秋角、盛齿、王春、