
dāng bì

意思解释:(When a round flat piece of jade with a hole in its center)《左传·昭公十三年》:“初,共王无冢适,有宠子五人,无适立焉。乃大有事于群望,而祈曰:'请神择于五人者,使主社稷。'乃徧以璧见于群望,曰:'当璧而拜者,神所立也,谁敢违之?'既,乃与巴姬密埋璧于大室之庭,使五人齐,而长入拜……平王弱,抱而入,再拜,皆厌纽。”杨伯峻注:“厌同压。压纽即当璧。”后以“当璧”喻立为国君之兆。




Bury Bi Yuting, the person that do obeisance to when a round flat piece of jade with a hole in its center must be chosen for adopted son person. is the left clear that pass · fair 13 years : I pig eat lift up scoops up) of _ M(of lineal descent, have bestow favor on child 5 people, establish Yan without Zuo . Therefore big occupied Yu Qunwang, and does pray say: Jia of Xuan of  Qian secondary Ti revive ⅰ of Ya of Lu  strange Ba!  suck as kind of bag the bath guides of  of  Chen He ' the person that do obeisance to when a round flat piece of jade with a hole in its center, divine place stands also,

