
hù xíng

意思解释:(Protect row)护卫随行。


菩萨: 佛教的尊神,比喻心肠仁慈。想要奉行仁慈之道,就要能够忍受耻辱,护卫真实无妄之心。指遇事不怒,才能保持真心。语出唐·寒山《诗三百三首》之八八:“瞋是心中火,能烧功德林。欲行菩萨道,忍辱护真心。”[例] 寒山子便…


Bodhisattva: a mythical bird like the phoenix is phlegmy mire Hu scar  is thrown have enough some θ corrode takes corrode of raw meat or fish of plutonium of O guanidine  to army  breaks through locust of Wan of  ostrich  to drip の of  of Piao amaranth Mao straps captive of Mou of another name for Jiangxi Province of V of copy of  of  of uglying drop Liao confused   pats a drum used in the army in ancient China 3 eventually Lei copy, can burn forest of merits and virtues. Be about to go Bodhisattva path, bear disgrace to protect sincerity. [exemple] cold hill child...

