zhuó jǔ
意思解释:(Promote is lifted)选拔荐举。
Have choose, promoted meaning. Lift the meaning; that is choose, election unplug it is to choose. Promote can point to unplug movement and do not involve unplug result. We can say pull out and unplug , cannot say unplug and pull out . 3 person the meaning in foothold of capturing military affairs of; of close of the usage on the choose, meaning that recommends a talent...
擢组词、举组词、 典校、富翁、下脐、负困、习知、霏烟、识遇、干父、款兵、犯害、精心、卖侮、朱提、念一、渡涉、筵肆、下牲、气貌、罂粟、擢举、