
zhī wū

意思解释:(Knit black)借指太阳。因太阳每日东升西落,如织梭之往来,故称。乌,太阳的代称。




The another namer of the sun. Zhao Ling is Hou mackerel recorded roll 2: of bank  rash ⒀ ' the person that ghost poem has fine, song: of a cloud Fan of tan of Xuan of  of  of dredge of egg of a man's cap used in ancient times of lid of Liang  pick dash forward behead of  of wooden tablets or slips for writing of constant  of  of Jie of Yi Su of Li of the She nationality of Gu Yao  accumulate harmonious Biao ā !  ⒉ calls out of cough of  of  of hand of  of В of ┭ of Ling of a keeper of domestic animals of  of barefooteding calamity of M of Sui of hut  show off to knit black, day also.

