sī xūn
意思解释:(Si Xun)官名。《周礼》夏官之属,主管功赏之事。北周因周制置司勋,掌六勋之事。隋置司勋侍郎,属吏部。唐宋改为郎中,明清称稽勋司,清末废。参阅《唐六典》卷二、《清通典·职官二》。 指杜牧。牧尝为司勋员外郎,故称。
Drink official gold bine the jade of 9 glow sweets wine, display Gong Nichang 5 kinds red gown. Give the bamboo of fair long Fang Erlong rod or staff used for a specific purpose, the Ling Tao of chiliad of eat Gong Xuanpu. Fair can Lv Tianni, shou Tiantao. Yellow hill white Yue Raosheng is sent, xue Tao of annulus of silver-colored kite emerald green canal. One official...
司组词、勋组词、 天资、僻近、屯蒙、艰贞、前车、贞好、石州、背绑、天鼓、架海、丁奚、装赍、洗竹、畚斗、进发、遇祸、拦遮、嬿婉、昌延、司勋、