zhuó bí
意思解释:(Hack bazoo)语本《庄子·徐无鬼》:“郢人垩漫其鼻端若蝇翼,使匠石斫之。匠石运斤成风,听而斫之,尽垩鼻不伤,郢人立不失容。”后以“斫鼻”比喻技艺成熟高超。
《庄子·徐无鬼》:“郢人垩漫其鼻端若蝇翼, 使匠石斫之; 匠石运斤成风, 听而斫之, 尽垩而鼻不伤, 郢人立不失容。” 后因以“斫鼻”比喻技巧卓越。黄庭坚《谢公定和二范秋怀五首邀予同作》: “虽怀斫鼻巧, 有斧且无…
doesn't village · Xu have ghost : of cliff of hundred Su watersides embed stay of proceedings of ∈ of of Hui of Si brighting to show become the order of the day of Shi Yunjin of artisan of street , listen and of hack, use up chalk and do not hurt nasally, person of capital of the State of Chu stands not to lose a look. hind because of with hack is nose figurative skill is outstanding. Huang Tingjian is Xie Gong decided and 2 is Fan Qiuhuai invited 5 times grant to be the same as : Qu of chair of of lax of ∮ of of mulberry of tall of 8 Xi stiff award
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