qiáng jié
意思解释:(Strong )见“强劫”。
Word of adverbial, imaginary number. Degree is adverbial condition adverb, adverbial. One, condition is adverbial. (One) before be being used at verbal predicate, representing behavioral action is intended (or designed) undertake. But interpret is designed , intended etc. Be like: (1) knows wrist of jade of fair pity, work the find hand by force Jin Chai. (Don Lu starts play is inscribed ) -- know the appearance is public love treasures...
强组词、刦组词、 称塞、欣畅、逊让、访拿、游雁、成比、豁豁、缗钱、杂宝、魄兔、声问、凝云、迸阶、书摊、覆讲、亡征、毕星、莲的、冲决、强刦、