wǎn huà
意思解释:(Beautiful picture)语本南朝·宋·谢瞻《张子房》诗:“婉婉幙中画。”谓张良为刘邦运筹帷幄之中。后以“婉画”指幕僚辅助长官谋划。
Xie Zhan Zhang Zi room poetic: Cling to extensive of Lian patch up thanks ! Handkerchief of straw of money crusty pancake fine Hai raiseds paths between fields of Qu generation Fu: Moth hurry bath cling to does Tiao our Ga climb cake す to a hired hand in certain trades to be plowed by T does history · of Jin Die H come loose greatly theory admire a book : Thin
婉组词、画组词、 成熟、芦荡、酷切、蕃盛、贞晦、手命、坚严、错臂、云发、咒罚、木戾、精气、衣裳、施遗、疾间、夜筹、战叫、殂落、公士、婉画、