
bì jiǎn

意思解释:(Mural chrysalis)见“壁钱”。




< name > Xi child. Beijing official word. Beijing. Qing Guangxu 12 years annals of suitable weather government office :  of ammoniac Jue √ brags Jian Lu  compares  of the  that rip cake! Shelter collect charm : Provide dinner for K. ~ , boreal person is connected language also. Zhang Shenyi is dialect recorded the: that coils Static Fu of Dong of a huge legendary turtle of narrow of captive of scar shoot a glance at makes Da of  of octogenarian of ┲ of riverside of  of Gui of  of pigheaded numerous Sui smooth with a rake to peck  of locust Zhen  to compare  of the  that rip cake!

