
jùn zé

意思解释:(Dredge lustre)深泽。




(1) dredge. Wei Zheng expostulate with too ancestor 10 think of scanty : Plinth of  of Cong of  of Chu of  of Lu of mound of  of dam  children's hair! Bake   ton vulture of ancient wine vessel occasionally  Luo ~ its source, guide what its put in 's charge. (2) is deep. is · of The Book of Songs small elegant · small a man's cap used in ancient times :  of Si of  of  of  of Song Jian of bay  Le! bandit: ā amine just thin(3) extort. mandarin · Jin Yujiu : Ah allow of large bamboo hat of Beng of  Duo  touchs  ! Thin

