yín liǔ
意思解释:(Yin Liu)称棉花柳。落叶灌木。花苞红褐色,苞片脱落后显出银白色花蕾,形似毛笔头。原产美洲,我国各地广为栽培。扦插繁殖。供切花用,观赏期长。
A kind of tantalum. Symbolic Ag, atomic foreword 47, atomic weight 107.876, quantivalence 1 or 2, specific gravity 10.5, white luster, qualitative softness, fu Yan malleability, heat up the good conductor with report, oxidize not easily in air. Usable will make money, household utensils and all sorts of adornment. ...
银组词、柳组词、 愁坐、茧栗、嬲恼、可鼻、千迭、暌淹、多年、逞迈、桂皮、软轮、打噤、被盖、采兰、易字、弦鼗、望阀、年夜、徯后、整日、银柳、