bì qǔ
意思解释:(Finish marry)据《后汉书·逸民传·向长》载:向长(嵇康《高士传》作“尚长”)隐居不仕,“男女娶嫁既毕,勑断家事勿相关”,于是与同好“俱游五岳名山,竟不知所终”。后遂以“毕娶”为办完子女婚事,避世优游的典故。
The source sees wish to what make the same score . Call do filial marriage, avoid the world leisurelies and carefree. does anthology · Xie Ling carry < does county go first > poem : Ammonia first ∮ of of ⒗ Ai fierce cherry buzzs period ! Not of Lao aurelian rice Shang Ziping male marry female marry finish, imperial order breaks housekeeping, not answer relevant. Tang Dufu Xi Ge poetic: Ammonia first ⒑ asks this to freedom is gotten in disappear. ...
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