zhào xián
意思解释:(Take spare time)犹言管闲事。
< is moved > tubal; bother about. Southwest official word. Sichuan Chengdu [gave an issue, my entirely not ~ | You not ~ , should which ~ does Sichuan dialect read aloud poetic · to see a movie : Fly does Huan favor Ling grant Wu of Cou armpit to arrange of plinth of fear of of of the В on Huan of disease of leaf of of Bao that Yunnan Teng Chong [this thing your ~ not ~ | I not ~ , be disinclined ~ . ...
照组词、闲组词、 托始、援验、避墬、合朔、民圩、私短、降杀、伯虑、扫石、协律、楮幅、小团、穿杨、色夷、承候、冷滑、斜倾、香泉、禄星、照闲、