
tiān zhù

意思解释:(Day column)古代神话中的支天之柱。比喻负重任者。山名。耳的别名。山名。又名霍山。在今安徽。星名。属于东方七宿中的角宿。山名。在浙江省·余杭县北。山名。在山东·平度县北。 比喻负重任者。 耳的别名。




Archaic myth raises Tian Zhizhu mediumly. south the Huaihe River child · astronomy example : Unplug Zong A fills  of  of Piao of  of Jia of  of saute of  of sword of  of Pie of extensive of ゲ of  of  of  of Jia of  of  of neptunium of び Shu х ! Hou of J of  of Ti of hail attentively gun holds ⒃   to join Xiao to pull  date of6 of  of boil in water for a while of thorn of  of grave of  of  of the male boil in water for a while that steal straightforward advice, one star of 69 date, ; of 40 59 date, stars is inside Cepheus. Wang Bo Teng Wangge foreword : Scar shank

