
shè yī

意思解释:(Photograph the garment)整饬衣装。 提起衣襟。




Arrange the dress. duty of pipe · child :  of approach of Jiao Lie  tentativelies word of  of  of rate of rash of cloth with soft nap of  of summary Qian sole is swept past beautiful.  quarrels the deer differs a huge legendary turtle of common of  of approach  Ren! Sha of Bi Qiang bracelet shakes Lao firewood to use up ず He tenon to twist of Long Bi of female Liu of two valve ∠ again this text makes cease wash case, photograph the garment, delay feed sit on its. Zheng Zhu person coronal ceremony say: Be contrary to does  of straw of ill N of  contented  show  does  show  defect

