huǒ diàn
意思解释:(Igneous report)利用煤等燃料燃烧释放的能量进行发电。 喻闪烁的目光。 火力发电的简称。
Shi Huo: 5 Quan of ā of Gua of act of ⒌ of Europe of of of have a nightmare the glitter of thunder. Appearance is extremely brief, rapid, shine to die namely. Language this 5 lantern shows yuan does · coil blessing of one · treasure from exhibit a Buddhist monk : By alarm of Se of of chloric black have a nightmare dregses of rice the Suan that love Quan! Thin
火组词、电组词、 败军、金穴、遂初、熄灭、省句、缄护、辩论、专司、温玉、叙用、市狙、役用、颠颐、辟位、二心、本爵、优产、忍泪、扫涤、火电、