
fāng fú

意思解释:(Square)指规模方正。 指人品方正,端方。 方形笺册。古代典诰、诏命、表奏等皆用方形笺册,故亦借指此类重要文书。




Upright and foursquare. Long broadness is equal. south is history · Xu Mian passed : Unplug Gan of  of  of lossen soil with a hoe of Kong Wu human skeleton come on  of Lu of far  of  of Sui Γ  from  of approach of Lu of  of ┬ of Ling of Yang of hairpin of case of Xing Yu G benevolence  provides dinner for curtain  post the  that beat any of several hot spice plants! Money storehouse to irrigate is like  of the straw that return Mu! of  of Qian of carbuncle of  of し of Dong pen two in the right way of Sude of fine of appropriate choosing chastity person teach practice.

