
tǔ rú

意思解释:(Spit eat)吐刚茹柔。 比喻为政的宽严。 比喻钱财的出入。




Still bully the weak and fear the strong. old the Tang Dynasty is book · lukewarm go to pass :  of Pao of  of Bo of Zhuang of  of brightness saute is chloric scrupulously and respectfully ゲ of orangutan of 3  ⒂ is grey Ru of ⑴ of high mountain Chi is grey happy  of ほ of  of Lu of high mountain Sou!  of generation short for Weihe River cling to Yi of thin " of curtain of Lu bastinado Hong throws press or rub against of  of Chi   rare 0 clumsy is right live of Pi of Scandium of Qi of Li of Ti of short for Shaanxi Province of hole Gan charcoal slaughter big city like that, its...

