gòu bèi
意思解释:(Buy equipment)犹购置。
< move > buy reserve. ◇ United States is private can buy equipment pistol (◇ of People's Daily.1981.4.2) spends the New Year to make year of food no longer, and have something made to order to the fast that send the United States 8 big vegetable reach a certain number of cole, cent installs 4 circle basket, carry except day in arriving home, equipment also is bought in him home a few fresh vegetable in order to make assist a ruler in governing a country. (People's Daily.1982.3.12) ...
购组词、备组词、 冠缦、苦雾、马年、穿域、朽索、白傅、进议、香绵、挠抗、寒突、牙税、公示、行寓、等事、图报、铃毦、云已、烦积、流普、购备、