
yí chéng

意思解释:(Doubt city)为迷惑敌人而假设的城堡。




In order to puzzles the false city of enemy. · of annals of the Three Kingdoms is annals · Sun Quan passed : Ah not the Long Cheng other Ze of Pu Cong  why of  of Qu of  of  of Cou of Lin of male Yan Yu ' those somebody Yan, cannot pursues also. ' return therefore. is a surname noted loosely bring dry treasure Jin Ji : Unplug why does sand of  of  of Pai of four of D of А of Mie of Shun of sour of  of Cou of Lin of Quan of  of male big pool pull  allow  to divide bad to censure does  make fun of  surname to read bath of chaos of the  that contribute Dan

