sù jiè
意思解释:(Old give up)古代举行祭祀等礼仪前十日,与祭者斋戒两次,第二次斋戒在事前第三日进行,称宿戒。 事先警戒。
Sacred the abstain from meat before. week ceremony · spring Fu of government-owned · world : Radon of sunken Li of Mei of of of of mother-in-law of basketry column chrysanthemum leavessing of pulse plants is circled small piece of land surrounded by water to fold! Those darts compares mystery the abstain from meat that scanty Yun Sujie accuses when comfort giving a job also person, gu Shuyun: Thin
宿组词、戒组词、 凭应、夷灶、垂杨、彩衣、连衣、羽物、安否、罢困、骈白、嘎斯、那厢、添差、九暑、府干、车螯、重算、明妃、踢蹋、六眸、宿戒、